SEEPS Awards
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Award given to authors for outstanding publications (academic papers and books) during the past 10 years prior to the year of the award in the field of environmental economics and policy studies (since 2018)
- Award given to authors for an outstanding publication (an academic paper or a book) in the field of environmental economics and policy studies (from 2009 to 2017)
- Distinguished Service Award
- Award given to persons for a distinguished service in the field of environmental economics and policy studies
- Young Achievement Award
- Award given to young authors for a publication (academic paper or book) to encourage innovative academic achievement in the field of environmental economics and policy studies
- Commentary Award
- Award given to authors for a publication (book, leaflet and paper) to make signal contributions in promotion of public awareness (since 2014)
- Best Poster Award
- Award given to the best poster presentation at SEEPS annual conferences (from 2014 to 2019)
- Best Speed Talk Award
- Award given to the best speed talk presentation at SEEPS annual conferences (since 2020)
List of previous winners
Affiliation is at the time of the award.
- Outstanding Publication Award
- None
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- SEEPS Young Achievement Award
- Tomoaki Nakaishi, Kyushu University (with four coauthors)
"Quantifying the health benefits of improving environmental efficiency: A case study from coal power plants in China", Energy Economists, 2023, Vol.121, 106672.
- Tomoaki Nakaishi, Kyushu University (with four coauthors)
- Commentary Award
- Shinichiro Asayama, National Institute for Environmental Studies (with twenty nine coauthors)
"Three institutional pathways to envision the future of the IPCC", Nature Climate Change, 2023, Vol.13, 877-880.
- Shinichiro Asayama, National Institute for Environmental Studies (with twenty nine coauthors)
- Best Speed Talk Award
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Shigeru Matsumoto, Aoyama Gakuin University
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- SEEPS Young Achievement Award
- Keita Abe, Musashi University (with one coauthor)
"A dynamic model of endogenous fishing duration", Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2022, Vol.9(3), pp.425-454.
- David Wolf, Kobe University (with one coauthor)
"Holding back the storm: Dam capitalization in residential and commercial property values", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2022, Vol.116, 102732. -
Yiyi Ju, Waseda University (with four coauthors)
"Job creation in response to Japan’s energy transition towards deep mitigation: An extension of partial equilibrium integrated assessment models", Applied Energy, 2022, Vol.318, 119178. -
Naonari Yajima, Seijo University (with one coauthor)
"Promoting energy efficiency in Japanese manufacturing industry through energy audits: Role of information provision, disclosure, target setting, inspection, reward, and organizational structure", Energy Economics, 2022, Vol.114, 106253. -
Akio Yamazaki, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
"Environmental taxes and productivity: Lessons from Canadian manufacturing", Journal of Public Economics, 2022, Vol.205, 104560.
- Keita Abe, Musashi University (with one coauthor)
- Commentary Award
- None
- Best Speed Talk Award
- Chihiro Shiga (The University of Tokyo) (with two coauthors)
Preliminary study on the unutilized and underutilized fish in Japan
- Chihiro Shiga (The University of Tokyo) (with two coauthors)
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Kenji Kajiwara, Aikoku Gakuen University
- Yoshifumi Konishi, Keio University
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- SEEPS Young Achievement Award
- Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (with four coauthors)
"Subjective probabilistic expectations, household air pollution, and health: Evidence from cooking fuel use patterns in West Bengal, India",Resource and Energy Economics, 66, 101262, 2021. - Taisuke Sadayuki, Seijo Uniersity (with one coauthor)
“Do regional emission trading schemes lead to carbon leakage within firms? Evidence from Japan”, Energy Economics, 104, 105664, 2021. - Jun Yoshida, Kyushu University (with one coauthor)
“Land use policies considering a natural ecosystem”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 83, 103552, 2020. - Mihoko Wakamatsu, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (with two coauthors)
“Revenue sharing and social capital in community-based resource management: Empirical evidence from Japanese surf-clam fisheries”, Land Economics, 97(2), 488-474, 2021.
- Mriduchhanda Chattopadhyay, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (with four coauthors)
- Commentary Award
- None
- Best Speed Talk Award
- Yi-Chun Ko (Tohoku University) (with two coauthors)
Adaptation capacity to the effects of extreme temperatures on crop yields: Evidence from corn production in US
- Yi-Chun Ko (Tohoku University) (with two coauthors)
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Nori Tarui, University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- SEEPS Young Achievement Award
- Hyerin Kim et al., Hokkaido University
"Understanding services from ecosystem and facilities provided by urban green spaces: A use of partial profile choice experiment",Forest Policy and Economics, 111, 102086, 2020. - Kota Mameno et al., Hokkaido University
“Tourist intentions to donate to non-lethal feral cat management at a potential natural World Heritage site in Japan”, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 26(2), pp. 99-114, 2021.
- Hyerin Kim et al., Hokkaido University
- Commentary Award
- Carbon Pricing in Japan
Springer 2020, Editors: Toshi H. Arimura and Shigeru Matsumoto
- Carbon Pricing in Japan
- Best Speed Talk Award
- Shinsuke Kyoi, Kyoto University
Spatial econometric analysis on preference distribution for the land use scenario: Empirical study using the choice experiment in Ishikawa Prefecture
- Shinsuke Kyoi, Kyoto University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Ken-ichi Akao, Waseda University
- Shinji Kaneko, Hiroshima University
- Kenji Takeuchi, Kobe University
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- SEEPS Young Achievement Award
- Yuichi Ishimura et al., Kindai University
"The spatial concentration of waste landfill sites in Japan", Resource and Energy Economics, 58, pp.101-121, 2019. - Ngawang Dendup et al., Waseda University
“Information leverage: The adoption of clean cooking fuel in Bhutan”, Energy Policy, 125, pp. 181-195, 2019. - Yimeng Du et al., Kyoto University
“Can climate mitigation help the poor? Measuring impacts of the CDM in rural China”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 95, pp.178-197, 2019.
- Yuichi Ishimura et al., Kindai University
- Commentary Award
- None
- Best Speed Talk Award
- Hideki Shimada, Kyoto University
Do monetary rewards for spatial coordination enhance participation in a forest incentive program?
- Hideki Shimada, Kyoto University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Yasuko Kameyama, National Institute for Environmental Studies
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- SEEPS Young Achievement Award
- Tomohiko Ohno, Kanazawa University
「環境政策統合の政策過程分析:1997年河川法改正を事例として」“Analyzing the Policy Process of Environmental Policy Integration: A Case Study on the Japanese River Act Revision in 1997”, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 11(1), pp.1-15, 2018.(in Japanese) - Takahiro Kubo et al., National Institute for Environmental Studies
“Voluntary Contributions to Hiking Trail Maintenance: Evidence from a Field Experiment in a National Park, Japan”, Ecological Economics, 44, pp.124-128, 2018. - Ken-ichi Matsumoto et al., Nagasaki University
“Addressing Key Drivers of Regional CO2 Emissions of the Manufacturing Industry in Japan”, The Energy Journal, 44, pp.1275-1303, 2019. - Akira Miyaoka, Rissho University
“The Signaling Effect of Emission Taxes under International Duopoly”, Environmental and Resource Economics, Online first. -
Yuki Yamamoto et al., Nagasaki University
“Forest change and agricultural productivity: Evidence from Indonesia”, World Development, 114, pp.196–207, 2019.
- Tomohiko Ohno, Kanazawa University
- Commentary Award
- None
- Best Poster Award
- Kurakawa Yukihide, Kanazawa Seiryo University
Network regulation and renewable energy policies
- Kurakawa Yukihide, Kanazawa Seiryo University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Toshihide Arimura, Waseda University
- Koichi Kuriyama, Kyoto University
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- Young Achievement Award
- Nobuyuki Ito, Niigata University
“Averting behaviors of very small radiation exposure via food consumption after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station accident”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99, pp.55-72, 2017. - Nobuyuki Takashima, Kyushu University
“The impact of accidental deviation by natural disaster-prone countries on renegotiation-proof climate change agreements”, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 22, pp.345–361, 2017. - Tetsuya Tsurumi, Nanzan University
“Monetary Valuations of Life Conditions in a Consistent Framework: The Life Satisfaction Approach”, Journal of Happiness Studies, 18, pp.1275-1303, 2017. (with Shunsuke Managi) -
Tadao Hoshino, Waseda University
“Economic Valuation of Environmental Quality Using Property Auctions Data: A Structural Estimation Approach”, Land Economics, 92, pp.703-717, 2016. (with Hayato Nakanishi)
- Nobuyuki Ito, Niigata University
- Commentary Award
- None
- Best Poster Award
- Guanyu LU, Waseda University
Has FDI expanded air pollution in China?
- Guanyu LU, Waseda University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Takayoshi Shinkuma, Kansai University
“Tax Versus Emission Trading Scheme in the Long Run”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol.75, pp.12-24, 2016 (with Hajime Sugeta)
- Takayoshi Shinkuma, Kansai University
- Distinguished Service Award
- Kazuhiro Ueta, Kyoto University
- Young Achievement Award
- Eri Kanamori, Ritsumeikan University
『原子力発電と会計制度』Accounting for Nuclear Power in Japan, Chuokeizai Sha Publishing, 2016 (in Japanese) - Kazuma Murakami, Shiga Prefectural University
『環境配慮行動と意思決定プロセスの分析』Analysis of decision-making process of pro-environmental behavior, Chuokeizai Sha Publishing, 2016 (in Japanese) - Rintaro Yamaguchi, Kyushu University
“Measuring Regional Wealth and Assessing Sustainable Development: An Application to a Disaster-Torn Region in Japan” Social Indicators Research, Vol.129, pp.365-389, 2016 (with Masayuki Sato and Kazuhiro Ueta)
- Eri Kanamori, Ritsumeikan University
- Commentary Award
- None
- Best Poster Award
- None
- None
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Susumu Kitagawa, University of Yamanashi
『環境政策史論 ドイツ容器包装廃棄物政策の展開』An Environmental Policy History: The Development of Packaging Waste Regulations in Germany, Keiso Shobo Publishing, 2015 (in Japanese)
- Susumu Kitagawa, University of Yamanashi
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- Young Achievement Award
- Kentaka Aruga, Ishikawa Prefectural University
“Testing market integration for Japanese retail seafood markets,” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 60:212-226, 2015. (with Raymond Li) - Kazuki Kagohashi, Nanzan University
“The Effects of International Trade on Water Use” PLoS ONE, 10(7), 2015. (with Tetsuya Tsurumi and Shunsuke Managi) - Makoto Sugino, Yamagata University
“The Effects of Alternative Carbon Mitigation Policies on Japanese Industries” Energy Policy, 62: 1254-1267, 2013. (with Toshihide Arimura and Richard D. Morgenstern)
- Kentaka Aruga, Ishikawa Prefectural University
- Commentary Award
- Fumikazu Yoshida, Aichi Gakuin University
『ドイツの挑戦 エネルギー大転換の日独比較』Germany’s Challenge: Comparison on Energy Policy in Japan and Germany, Nippon Hyoron Sha Publishing, 2015 (in Japanese)
- Fumikazu Yoshida, Aichi Gakuin University
- Best Poster Award
- Kazunobu Okubo, Kyoto University
An Assessment of Recovery from Natural Disaster Using the Inclusive Wealth Index (in Japanese)
- Kazunobu Okubo, Kyoto University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Kenichi Miyamoto, Osaka City University, Shiga University
『戦後日本公害史論』Theory on the History of Pollution in Japan after World War II, Iwanami Shoten Publishing, 2014 (in Japanese) - Hiroaki Sakamoto, Chiba University
“Dynamic resource management under the risk of regime shifts,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 68(1):1-19, 2014.
- Kenichi Miyamoto, Osaka City University, Shiga University
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- Young Achievement Award
- Shimada Daisaku, Fukuoka Women's University
“External impacts on traditional commons and present-day changes: a case study of iriai forests in Yamaguni district, Kyoto, Japan,” International Journal of the Commons, 8(1):207-235, 2014. - Hidemichi Fujii, Nagasaki University
“Which Industry is Greener? An Empirical Study of Nine Industries in OECD Countries,” Energy Policy, Vol. 57: 381-388, 2013. (with Shunsuke Managi) - Emiko Inoue, Kyoto University
“A new insight into environmental innovation: Does the maturity of environmental management systems matter?” Ecological Economics, Vol.94: 156-163, 2013. (with Toshihide Arimura and Makiko Nakano) - Yohei Mitani, Kyoto University
“Hypothetical Bias Reconsidered: Payment and Provision Uncertainties in a Threshold Provision Mechanism,” Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 59: 433-454, 2014. (with Nicholas E. Flores)
- Shimada Daisaku, Fukuoka Women's University
- Commentary Award
- None
- Best Poster Award
- Mayuko Shimizu, Ryukoku University, Soto Numata, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting, Takeshi Kawakatsu, Kyoto Prefectural University
Value of natural capital recognized through human-nature interaction in suburban Satoyama (in Japanese) - Ryo Takeuchi, Kyoto University
A shift of household energy in the countryside of Vietnam. From the investigation in Tien Kien community, Phu Tho province (in Japanese) - Akiyuki Masuda, Yuya Takahashi, Shinsuke Murakami, University of Tokyo
Can information provision for consumers realise deposit-refund system in home appliance recycling in Japan? (in Japanese)
- Mayuko Shimizu, Ryukoku University, Soto Numata, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting, Takeshi Kawakatsu, Kyoto Prefectural University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- None
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- Young Achievement Award
- Azusa Okagawa, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Hedonic Pricing Approach to Estimate Flood Damage in Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 5(2): 58-71, 2012. (with Akira Hibiki and Shuto Kojima) - Masahiro Tokunaga, Kansai University
『20世紀ロシアの開発と環境ー「バイカル問題」の政治経済学的分析ー』Development and Environment in Russia in the 20th century, Hokkaido University Press, 2013. (in Japanese) - Tetsuya Horie, Nagasaki University
“Optimal strategies for the surveillance and control of forest pathogens: A case study with oak wilt,” Ecological Economics, 86: 78-85, 2013. (With Robert G.Haight, Frances R.Homans and Robert C.Venette) - Hidefumi Yokoo, University of Tokyo
“Global Reuse and Optimal Waste Policy,” Environment and Development Economics, 18(5): 595-61, 2013. (with Thomas C. Kinnaman)
- Azusa Okagawa, National Institute for Environmental Studies
- Commentary Award
- Takeshi Mizuguchi, Takasaki City University of Economics
『責任ある投資ー資金の流れで未来を変える』Responsible Investment, Iwanami Shoten Publishing, 2013 (in Japanese)
- Takeshi Mizuguchi, Takasaki City University of Economics
- Best Poster Award
- Tomoyo Toyota, Shimane Prefectural University
A Study of Local Energy Supply Using Forest Resource: A Case in Shimane Prefecture (in Japanese)
- Tomoyo Toyota, Shimane Prefectural University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- None
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- Young Achievement Award
- Kimitaka Nishitani, Kobe University
“An empirical analysis of the effects on firms' economic performance of implementing environmental management systems,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 48:569-586, 2011. - Kiminori Hayashi, Tsuru University University
『軍事環境問題の政治経済学』Political Economy on Military Environmental Problems, Nippon Hyoron sha Publishing, 2011 (in Japanese) - Masayuki Sato, Kobe University
“A Numerical Study on Assessing Sustainable Development with Future Genuine Savings Simulation,” International Journal of Sustainable Development, 15(4): 293- 312, 2012.
- Kimitaka Nishitani, Kobe University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Shunsuke Managi, Tohoku University
Technology, Natural Resources and Economic Growth: Improving the Environment for a Greener Future, Edward Elgar, 2011. - Toshiaki Sasao, Iwate University
『廃棄物処理の経済分析』Economic Analysis of Waste Management, Keiso Shobo Publishing, 2011. (in Japanese)
- Shunsuke Managi, Tohoku University
- Distinguished Service Award
- Kenichi Miyamoto, Osaka City University
- Young Achievement Award
- Toshihide Arimura, Kazuyuki Iwata, Sophia University
『環境規制の政策評価-環境経済学の定量的アプローチ』An Evaluation of Japanese Environmental Regulations: Quantitative Approaches from Environmental Economics, Sophia University Press, 2011. (in Japanese) - Kentaro Miyanaga, Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute
『環境ガバナンスとNPO-持続可能な地域社会へのパートナーシップ』Environmental Governance and NPO, Showado Publishing, 2011. (in Japanese) - Kenichi Oshima, Ritsumeikan University
『再生可能エネルギーの政治経済学』Political Economy of Sustainable Energy, Toyo Keizai Publishing, 2010. (in Japanese)
- Toshihide Arimura, Kazuyuki Iwata, Sophia University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- None
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- Young Achievement Award
- Takehiro Usui, Soka University
“Estimating the effect of unit-based pricing in the presence of sample selection bias under Japanese recycling law,” Ecological Economics, 66(2), pp.282 - 288, 2008. - Takayuki Takeshita, Ritsumeikan University
“A strategy for introducing modern bioenergy into developing Asia to avoid dangerous climate change,” Applied Energy, 86, pp.S222 - S232, 2009.
- Takehiro Usui, Soka University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Akira Maeda, University of Tokyo
『排出権制度の経済理論』Economic Theory on Emission Trade Scheme, Iwanami Shoten Publishing, 2009.
- Akira Maeda, University of Tokyo
- Distinguished Service Award
- None
- Young Achievement Award
- Akihisa Mori, Kyoto University
『環境援助論:持続可能な発展実現の論理・戦略・評価』Environmental Aid : Logics, Strategies and Performance in East Asia, Yuhikaku Publishing, 2009. - Shiro Takeda, Kanto Gakuen University
"The double dividend from carbon regulations in Japan," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 21, pp.336-364, 2007.
- Akihisa Mori, Kyoto University
- Outstanding Publication Award
- Eiji Hosoda, Keio University
『資源循環型社会-制度設計と政策展望』Design of a Material Circulating Society, Keio University Press, 2008.
- Eiji Hosoda, Keio University
- Distinguished Service Award
- Takamitsu Sawa, Ritsumeikan University
- Young Achievement Award
- Rintaro Kaneko, Keiai University
『産業廃棄物税の制度設計』A Study on the Design of Industrial Waste Taxation, Hakuto Shobo Publishing, 2009. - Tatsuo Suwa, Hokkaido University
“Estimation of the Spatial Substitution Effect of National Park Trip Demand: an Application of the Kuhn-Tucker Model,” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Vol.9 No.4, pp.239-257, 2008. - Shunsuke Managi, Yokohama National University
“Are there increasing returns to pollution abatement? Empirical analytics of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in pesticides,” Ecological Economics, 58 (3), pp. 617-636, June, 2006. - Masafumi Yokemoto, Tokyo Keizai University
『環境被害の責任と費用負担』Environmental Responsibility and Cost Sharing Issues, Yuhikaku Publishing, 2007.
- Rintaro Kaneko, Keiai University